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Training Facilities

Our primary practice location is 3485 Harmony Rd Catawba, SC. 

During our regular practices we work on form, skills, scoring, and drills.  (And take it from us, you may never see a bunch of school-aged kids get so excited over math as they do when there's a target to be scored.)


We try to be outside for practice as much as possible as that is the most enjoyable place to practice archery. The fresh air enables us to have healthy team interactions even though many other contact and indoor sports have been unable to meet during the past year.


We are working on getting an indoor facility that can be used during inclement weather and during the winter when the days are shorter. Details on this effort are still underway but we are excited for what this will mean for our team and the year-round archery season.


(c)2023 Point-On Archery Club





Website Design & Copywriting by KWaller


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We livestream most competitions.

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