Well team, here we are the day after the SC State finals, and I have to say I could not have asked for a better showing.
All of you handled yourselves exceptionally well. There were several personal best scores put up by individual team members, and every member of the team who competed made it to the podium.
The wonderful growth that each of you have shown this year in character and personal achievement has been great. I know some of you have even surprised yourself in how well you have done.
As a coach and mentor I am humbled to call you all my students. Each time I raise the bar and the expections I ask of you rise to the occasion and set new goals for yourselves often above what I ask.
I am so excited about the upcoming 3D season. I believe all of you have the potential of explosive growth this year in your skill levels as well as seeing your score skyrocket. I know that there will be times of challenge and plateaus to overcome, but I have faith that you will conquer!
Here's to the next chapter and victories for the members of Point-On Archery! Congratulations team! YOU are AMAZING!
Coach Jonas